Notoryctidae - marsupial molesThere are two species of marsupials in this family. The southern marsupial mole and the northern marsupial mole are endangered species in Australia. They are found in the deserts of central Australia. Marsupial moles are about 5 inches in length and have yellowish-brown fur, short tails, and pointed heads. They spend most of their lives underground and have many adaptations that help them live in the sand. Marsupial moles have powerful front paws that are scoop-shaped that they use to burrow into the sand. Their noses have a horny covering that helps them push into the sand. Their pouches open to the rear so sand can't get inside. Marsupial moles are blind. They have eyes but no optical nerves. They eat insect larvae. World Status KeyLeast Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist. If no status is listed, there is not enough data to establish status. US Status Key